I wont lie. At first i was interested but i wasnt that excited to play this game but after playing the first boss Im extremely hyped up to see the rest of it. Although you cant hear then speak the words are the right font for us to read the graphics are amazing the audio and music are just awesome and the storyline so far.....I-I-I....Im speachless.... This games got potential. Cant wait to see more of it. This game is truely beautiful.
Although this game is one of the best games ive ever played its still got its disadvantages too. Idk if im the only one but once i got past the first boss and those guys rescued me and took me to a village every time it loads that village my game crashes. I cant continue my game anymore. Also the lag is bad but not that big. Other than those two issues this games pretty good. Recently the crashing has fixed for me so thank you.
Again This game is one of the best games in the AppStore Ive ever played Funniest thing is i found this game when i was looking for Ninja games after watching Naruto about a year ago. Course i had to delete due to storage space but i redownload asap. This game has lots of potential. I Hope to see more.
Bfjgyh about IZANAGI Online +Samurai Ninja+, v1.6.0